Monday, September 20, 2010

Mr.Mittys Great Adventure

After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile, Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury he noticed a pack of lions running loose. He thought to himself they must have escaped from the zoo. Mrs.Mitty started yelling and complaining about how dangerous the animals were, and how the authorities should be contacted right away. Mr.Mitty started to drift into his own world again. "Come one, come all, witness the amazing Walter Mitty and his lions!" the announcer was yelling across the arena. While Walter was pacing back and forth in his dressing room he thought to himself "what if something goes wrong this time?". He had that thought everytime before he took the stage. As he entered the dim lit arena the crowd fell silent. He was an odd site to behold, short, average looking. He did'nt look like a lion tamer. The walk towards the lions cages seemed to take forever. The great beasts were sleeping and looked peaceful. He unlocked the first cage and the other one right after. He introduced the lions to the audience, "the one on my left is Simba, the one on my right is Moofusa". Moofusa raised his giant, graceful head and yawned showing his huge gleaming teeth. Walter began to unlock Moofusa's cage, the king of beasts walked out of his cage. Simba was still peacefully asleep in his cage, he was younger than Moofusa by a couple of years. Walter went into Simba's cage and woke him up, Simba stepped out of his cage, now the two massive male lions were in the arena. The audience was in awee of theses beautiful but very deadly creatures. Walter stood up on the box in the middle of the arena and the lions followed him. He began directing them in doing tricks, they could even play fetch the audience was very entertained and kept applauding. When the final, most dangerous trick came the audience fell silent in fear, for what Walter was about to do made everyone think he was insane. He was going to put his head into Moofusas mouth! As Walter put his head in the lions huge mouth, Moofusa did'nt sit there like he usually did, this time something went wrong the jaws began to close around Walters head... "WALTER WALTER PAY ATTENTION WHEN YOUR DRIVING!!!!" his wife began to yell at him. He was glad for her interuption this time... he even did'nt want to see how that last adventure would have ended.

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