Thursday, October 14, 2010

The greatest excuse ever why my homework was'nt done

     "Well", I hastily began "it's a really long complicated story".
     "Try me" replied Mr.Van Camp in a very dissatisfied tone.
     "Ok so the begining I was walking home from school and my binder fell out of my bag, I did'nt realize this until I got home" I was reciting the past days events.
     "Well did you go back to find it?" he replied.
     "I did" I admitted sheepishly.
     "So where is it?" he asked in a an irritated voice.
     "It's at home" I replied, now becoming quite nervous.
    "You left your binder at home!" he shouted.
    "It's for a very good reason" I tired to explain as quickly as the words would come out, I was so nervous I began to stutter "well you uh  uh s-s-see um there was this uh zombie apocolypse"
    "What thats complete nonsense!" he answered in complete disbelief.
   "No it's true!", I began defending my explanation "You see I was walking down the alley where my bacpack was and it was literally filled with zombies!"
Mr.Van Camp began to furrow his brows, and had that look he gets on his face when he's about to lecture you. He said "You could come up with a better lie than that" .
"It's all the truth I swear!" I yelled at him.
"Well wheres the proof of these zombies?" he questioned me. So I pulled out my phone which I had taken pictures of the living dead on. "Oh my!" he replied with a horrified look on his face.
"You see" I said "they were really thereand they happened to be near mybackpack so I could'nt get close for sometime".
"Well then how did you manage to get your bag?" he asked excitedly as if it was some great mission.
I replied back to his dissipointment "I just waited for them to leave and go eat other people, and by the time I actually got home it was too late to do my homework and I wasreally tired so I just went to bed"
"Oh" he said in a let down tone, "I guess that is a good reason your homework was'nt done, just try not to let it happen again" And that was that I went and sat down at my desk and began another English class.

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