Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Carpe Diem

     Do you feel like your parents are planning your life out for you? Thats how Neal feels in the film Dead Poets Society directed by Peter Weir. This movie  does'nt just deal with issues between parents and their kids, it deals with thinking for yourself and not being a mindless robot, and living everday like it's your last. The movie is about an English teacher named Mr.Keating who has a differnet approach at teaching, he teaches students how to think for themselves, and to see things from a different perspective. It's also about a group of young men, who are friends and are struggling to find their identities, thus they re-start the Dead Poets Society.
     All of the parents have huge dreams for their sons, they all want them to be lawyers and doctors, after all parents want what's best for their kids right? Mr.Perry does'nt respect his son Neal's wishes for pursuing an acting career, he wants him to be a doctor. Neal ends up going behind his fathers back to act in A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. He ends up getting the lead role, but his father wants him to quit immediately, Neal ends us standing up to his father his father lets him finish the play but does'nt want the "non-sense" to continue afterwards. In the end Neal ends up taking his own life because his dad does'nt approve of him following his dreams.
    Mr.Keating teaches his students perhaps one of the most important things to learn, how to speak for yourself and have your own opinion and views. The boys are all strictly disciplined and have others peoples words and thoughts programmed into their brain. Mr.Keating does'nt go by the text book he teaches them to harness their potential and not let anything hold them back. Mr.Keating is the one that convinced Neal to talk to his dad and tell him how he really felt about acting.
   Mr.Keating also teaches his students to "suck the marrow out of life". Living each day likes it's your last. A couple students take his advice and grab the bull by its horns. Neal gets into acting and Knox starts to fall in love with a girl named Chris and he wants to use the poetry that Mr.Keating taught him in attempts to whoo her. Then theres the joker Charlie, who makes his head master mad by saying a foolsh thing in a serious situation.."Hey you have a collect call, it's from God, he saies girls should be allowed in the school". He thought he'd make the most of making fun of his head master, Mr.Keating is not impressed with him saying this "I taught you to suck the marrow out of life not choke on the bone".
    Mr.Keating taught his students many things, how to talk to their parents, how to think for themselves and carpe diem. All of these things you need to succeed in life to be a good person.

1 comment:

  1. Overall good effort, Kasha. Good detail for each assignment. Quite well polished. Walter Mitty assignment is supposed to be filled with cliches. 50/60
