Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh Death

"Here is a small fact. You are going to die...Reaction to the aformentioned fact. Does this worry you? I urge you-don't be afraid. I'm nothing if not fair" page #3. Death is talking about how everyone dies and he's fair about it, he's only doing his job. I connected this to Supernatural because Death is in the show he is one of the four horsemen. The attitude of Death in the book is similar to Death in Supernatural. Death in Supernatural is very regal, elegant and professional. He takes his reaping job very seriously, same with Death in The Book Thief. Death in Supernatural respects the natural order of the universe, if its meant to be it will be pretty nuch. Respect is at the top of his list, if people don't treat him with respect he is extremely un impressed (from Supernatural). "You can't cheat Death"- Death from SPN I think Death in The Book Thief would agree with this he knows dying is inevitable obviously. I think both of the Death's would get along they have very similar attitudes/personalites.

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