Wednesday, May 16, 2012

pick up your phone when i'm calling you!

The point the author is making is texting is a rude distraction in public places such as restaurants and theaters and should not be tolerated. This generation relies way to much on technology. The author discusses how rude it is for someone to be on a date or meeting for an example that and how uncomfortable it makes the other person when the person keeps glancing at their phone. It makes you think you're boring them or something. He also talks about what a distraction it can be to others, it's rude when you're in a movie theater and the person in front of you starts texting, the light from the phone is definitely a nuisance, and its very disrespectful to the other patrons in the theater. Texting ruins the face to face conversations with people all the intimacy is gone, its less personal. I agree totally with this article, even though i'm bad for texting, I try not to let it distract me to badly though its hard though checking your phone for texts becomes addictive. But in certain social circumstances I know that it is inappropriate to use my phone.

I think cell phones are acceptable when you're at your house, you're friends house, and at the mall, places like that are fine. But if its like a speech, funeral, concert etc than that's plain rude. Or if you're in a classy restaurant you should not be on your phone. You need to learn when the time comes to get off your phone and pay attention! I think some places should consider banning cell phones such as theaters, hospitals, restaurants and in the classroom (school). Theaters, people go there watch a movie not watch the idiot in front of them texting their buddy. In hospitals it could be a distraction to the patients or doctors and it could easily annoy a sick person. In a restaurant you go there to eat a meal and socialize with the person you went with, not texting everyone on your contacts list, that's just rude and impolite. In school you go their to learn and gain an education and that's nearly impossible when you're distracted texting your friends about the party on the weekend. You'll lose out on valuable information. I try my best to avoid being one of the rude avid texters but its hard in this generation with so much technology, its convenient  to text someone rather than go and find them to talk to them I guess.

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